Experiences with Freedom

"When you become free, you become experienced."
That sounds like a quote from a celebrity which just about missed the mark to go on an Instagram post or the back of a motivational diary or something like that. It was written by me, and I think that it is the truth.

The freedom that I got was not after I struggled for it. It was just that I became more independent because I finished high school and entered junior college. Entering junior college is a very funny thing. On the one hand, you feel like you are getting more freedom but the fact is that you are just being exposed to such a new world that you are possibly overwhelmed by all the things that are happening in front of you and you are like almost always confused. Of course, I know that most of you would say that only I was exposed to a world and none of you was, but the fact that you should take into consideration is that I am writing this blog and you are not. lol jk jk.

The first thing that I felt like freedom was the fact that now I got so much time to spend on myself. When I was in high school, 8 to 10 hours a day would be spent in and around the school. My college was not expecting me to spend so much time there nor was I going to. So the time that I spent in my class and the minimal time that I spent with friends was the only time in which I was occupied. The majority of my time was spent at home. This meant that I had more time to spend on my mobile, more time to read books and most importantly, to sit on the toilet and stand in the shower only with myself. I spent it thinking, absorbing and sometimes even doing chore (sometimes). But this time was helpful. It helped me get over some of my bad decisions, my future choices and mostly catching up with all the events of the day. The last point does sound very negligible, but it was important for me.

The second thing that felt like freedom were the responsibilities. I don't think that "With great freedom comes great responsibility" is just a quote. I think that it is a cost and a goods relationship. I think that responsibilities are the cost of freedom. I think it is like a loan. You have to prove first that you can take on a responsibility and then you get some kind of freedom. Also, if you cannot handle the responsibilities, you will not get the freedom. At least, you shouldn't. I think that the first and foremost responsibility that I had was academics. My choice of college, my choice of the field is one which requires a lot of self-study, and so it became a responsibility which I had to bear.

The third thing which felt like freedom was the need to define me. Now, 'me' is a pronoun 
Every person has a different personality that they portray in front of the world. I think that this time that I got was the time in which I tried to define myself. It is the time in which I tried to find about all the things that I like. Another thing that  I also tried to do was that I tried to find out the things that I did not like to do but was still doing anyways. I found out that eliminating those was the thing that gave me the most joy. This was the freedom that I got by discovering my interests.

I think that freedom is very important in our lives. In these times I think that the freedom we give ourselves is also the most important. We must not restrict ourselves, provided that we have the ability and maturity to take on the responsibility. The freedom need not be great, or very spectacular. All it should do is give you a new experience every time. I am sure that if you let yourself go, in no time will you also experience change. Kudos!


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