
Showing posts from July, 2017

Indirect Speeches

Indirect Speeches                                I have been noticing this for the last few months.                                      When we are having dinner, my parents pull out the subject of some awkward college boy in our colony who hasn't even scored enough to pass his 12th standard. 'Hmm' I say and continue my eating. After a minute of awkward silence, my mom asks, "So what do you think you would like to do in the future?" out of air as thin as that on Mt. Everest. I give a knee-jerk like Senorita, because that is what I am thinking about. It takes me a moment to realize and then I give some answer. 101.                                      The next day it is my Grandpa. I am sitting on the couch with my legs up, watching some cricket match 9 years old, when he suddenly calls me. 'Let's go for a walk, he says.' I have to agree. We take a long walk and talk about the newest spin sensation in the West Indian team or something as vague.